XH North Bingo

12167 N Lewis Rd Clio, MI 12167 N Lewis Rd, Clio, Michigan

We have found a location to be able to offer more events in the Clio area for our Heroes that live farther North! Come join us for a funfilled Bingo […]

Fun w/ Fitness

Ascension Genesys Health Club 801 Health Park Blvd, Grand Blanc, MI

We are going back to the gym for Fitness! This is a great way to get your body moving and stay active during the cold months! Tamara always has fun […]

Monthly Social

Faith Lutheran 12534 Holly Road, Grand Blanc, MI, United States

Join us for our Monthly Social! This is a great way to get out there and meet new friends along with hanging out with old friends! We encourage everyone to […]

Painting Class

12167 N Lewis Rd Clio, MI 12167 N Lewis Rd, Clio, Michigan

Join us in the North for an amazing painting class! Come by and learn the ins and outs of painting. We will be learning different techniques and styles! We hope […]

Walking Club

Courtland Center Mall

Are you wanting to get more movement in during these cold months, but aren't sure how? Join us for walking club on Mondays! This is a great way to get […]

XH North Drumming

12167 N Lewis Rd Clio, MI 12167 N Lewis Rd, Clio, Michigan

Join us for an amazing opportunity to learn to play the drums! We are offering a class for our Heroes to learn the ins and outs of drumming and to […]

Game Night

Richfield Road Church 6259 Richfield Rd, Flint

Join us for Game Night! We encourage you to bring your favorite board game and share it with us! We will be playing board games and teaching eachother how to […]